Register as an official with USA Hockey
Take the open book exam
Attend a classroom seminar
Participate in an online seminar
Complete the online modules
Fulfill SafeSport Training (if 2006 birthyear or older)
Obtain and maintain all required clearances (if age 18 or older)
Registration for the 2023-24 season opens in early June at membership.usahockey.com
If you were registered in 22-23, your registration is still good through November 2023, but you should renew in the summer to ensure you attend a 2023-24 seminar.
An official who is under the age of 16 can remain at Level 1.
An official who is age 16 or older can remain registered at Level 1 for two seasons but then must progress to the next level each season.
Registration as a Level 1 official is $55; MidAm adds an additional fee of $10.
Simultaneous registration as a player or coach does not waive these fees; if you are registered as a player/coach, you must also register as an official.
Registration closes entirely for officials on December 31st of each season.
Simply registering as an official does not make the individual eligible to officiate games!
All items of the checklist must be completed before accepting a game assignment.
Once initial registration is done, the official can create a profile page in the USAH portal that shows progress through the requirements and provides links to complete each step.
Once all registration steps are completed, USAH will send the official a 2023-24 officiating crest in the mail for the current season.
The purpose of the open book exam is to guide officials into the rulebook to gain a better understanding of the rules and their applications.
A paper copy or electronic copy of the rulebook can be used.
The Level 1 exam is 50 questions; the individual must score at least 35/50 to pass.
The exam takes at least an hour to complete and does not have to be completed in a single setting.
A retake option is made available after 7 days of a failed attempt and remains available for 30 days.
Only a seminar conducted and sanctioned by USA Hockey counts towards this requirement.
The officiating seminar done by Next Step Hockey does not satisfy the requirement.
A schedule of Level 1 classroom seminars is listed on the last page of this document.
Seminars are primarily scheduled on weekends from July through October.
Advance registration for a seminar is necessary (no walk-ups) and can be done through the USA Hockey portal.
An official can attend the classroom seminar in any location (including another state/district), as long as the seminar matches the registration level (ex. Level 1).
The classroom seminar for Level 1 is approximately 3 hours.
All Level 1 classroom seminars include an on-ice session, for which participants must bring proper equipment.
The virtual seminars are done via Zoom by the USA Hockey national office.
Officials can register for a virtual seminar via their portal profile on the USAH site.
Virtual seminars are generally scheduled for evenings.
The link and password to connect to the virtual seminar is sent within 2 hours prior to the start of the seminar.
The official must remain in the session for its duration, which is approximately 2-3 hours.
The virtual seminar provides interactive discussion on officiating procedures, penalty standards, and game situations.
Online learning modules are required and are applicable to the registration Level.
Modules for Level 1 primarily provide video examples of positioning, officiating mechanics, and penalty standards.
Officials must complete several required modules overall and then choose from several other elective modules.
Modules do not have to be completed in one sitting.
Officials should be aware of the number of required electives; not all of the modules need to be completed from the overall list.
There is a short quiz at the end of each module to ensure comprehension of the material.
If the quiz is not completed, the official is not credited for the module.
If the minimum score is not obtained on the quiz, the module must be redone.
Officials born in 2006 or prior must complete the SafeSport training as a part of the registration requirements for an official.
The SafeSport training is free for registered officials and is valid for 12 months.
The SafeSport training includes several interactive learning modules and generally takes about 90 minutes to complete the initial training.
A refresher course is provided for returning trainees and takes about 45 minutes.
USA Hockey requires a background screening of all officials age 18 and older.
This clearance can be completed via the USAH portal and is valid for 2 seasons.
An official must immediately complete these clearances upon turning age 18.
The USAH vendor must be used; no other clearance is accepted.
Pennsylvania residents over the age of 17, by state law, are required to complete and submit additional clearances, which are separate from the USAH clearances.
There are three parts to this clearance, and one requires an in-person appointment to have fingerprints submitted.
These clearances are valid for 5 years and apply to all child-related activities in PA.
More information on the required clearances can be found on the webpage listed below:
Approved hockey referee sweater
Black helmet with half-shield/visor
Finger whistle
Black pants (track pants are acceptable)
Hockey skates (goalie skates and figure skates are not acceptable)
Elbow pads
Black officiating trousers (purpose-built)
Girdle (built-in on some officiating trousers)
Shin guards
Plain white laces in skates
The website OfficialsWearhouse.com is a great place to purchase referee gear.
There are several variations of “referee sweaters” on the market, but the only approved version is the style with standard black/white stripes on the full torso and arms.
Orange armbands are only used by the referees in the 1-2 system and 2-2 systems.
Level 1 officials rarely work in those systems, especially as a referee.
The use of nameplates on the back of the officiating jersey are dictated by the leagues and/or the assigning entity; they are rarely required for Level 1 officials.
Officials should not display any type of team-affiliated apparel at any time when in the rink for a game assignment (i.e. team jacket, team bag, team logo on helmet/pants).
Black electrical tape can be used to cover additional logos on a black helmet.
The use of shin guard sleeves (“shin tights”) or similar is recommended to keep laces tucked under the bottom of the trousers and to prevent the back for the trousers from getting tucked behind the tendon guard of the skate.