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Keystone Hockey Officials is the primary assignor of officials for all youth, amateur, and scholastic games played at the Pegula Ice Arena in State College, PA.  This includes the State College Icers (SCYIHA) that plays in the PAHL, the State College Little Lions (SCIHC) that play in the Laurel Mountain Hockey League, and the youth tournaments hosted at Pegula.  Arrangements at the Pegula Ice Arena vary from most other facilities assigned by KHO and are explained in the information provided below.


Arena Parking

All parking lots surrounding Pegula Ice Arena are either metered or require a prepaid pass at all hours of the day, every day of the week.  The rate in the Shields Lot ("Yellow H North," immediately adjacent to Gate A, upper lobby) and the Pegula South Lot ("Yellow H South," immediately adjacent to Gate C, lower lobby) is $1 per hour, payable via kiosks in the lot or via the ParkMobile app.  Nearby overflow parking is available in the lot adjacent to the tennis center ("Silver J") at a rate of $1 per hour.  Additional overflow/alternate parking is also available in the commuter lot to the northwest of the Bryce Jordan Center ("Stadium West") or opposite side of the Bryce Jordan Center ("Jordan East") at a rate of $8 per day.  Officials who expect to skate multiple games per month at Pegula are encouraged to purchase a monthly night/weekend permit at a flat rate of $12 per month.  Those passes are best obtained in-person from the Transportation Services Office, located on the bottom floor of the Eisenhower Parking Deck on Eisenhower Road.

Locker Room Accommodations

All officials should enter the Pegula Ice Arena through Gate C (lower entrance) and check-in at the desk in the lower lobby.  A locker room key to the officials room will be provided upon check-in, and in a key to a second locker room will be provided in the event that separate accommodations are needed for adult/minor or gender differences among the officiating crews.  The KHO Locker Room Policy (found on the KHO website under the "Official" menu) shall remain in effect otherwise.

Penn State Events

No hockey games are scheduled at the Pegula Ice Arena on the same day as a Penn State football game, so no official will be assigned to a game with conflicts surrounding a football event.  Hockey games at Pegula on the same day as an NCAA hockey event at the arena will be scheduled to provide the necessary amount of "buffer" time between the events.  The lots immediately surrounding the arena will not be available on these days until after the NCAA game has ended and cleared, so officials assigned to games on those mornings should park in  the Stadium West or Jordan East lots.  Officials working KHO-assigned games on those days must also depart the arena in a timely manner upon the conclusion of the assignment.  In the rare instance that a KHO-assigned game happens after an NCAA event, the assigned officials are not to arrive any greater than 30 minutes prior to the start time of their game.


If you have any questions concerning the arrangements for games at the Pegula Ice Arena, please contact the KHO Scheduler for State College.

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